Thursday, November 24, 2011


I am pretty sure that we all love food. Some may eat it moderately and some extravagantly but the point is that, well, we love to eat! If by any chance you know or met an anthropologist and ask him what makes a culture a culture and different from one another. You will be shocked that the answer is not by their language, their politics even by their religion but it is by what they eat, their food. Here in this article we are going to discuss some of the different cultures food around the world.

First of all the geographic location or where the country is located affects that place cuisine. For example in the Middle East their cuisine has the common and simple ingredients like olive oil and different kinds of olives. Furthermore, their cuisine is also affected by many visitors and invaders in the past that has influenced their cooking. Of course, their cultures food cooking is also passed down from generation to generation.

If you look at the map and locate the continent of Australia you will notice that it is separated far from the rest of the continents. Due to this, civilization reached there far later than the rest of the continents. Furthermore, they have no identifiable national cuisine or food. In fact, the only food that is native to Australia that is exported is the Macadamia nut. Even if you ask the indigenous people who live in Australia will say that they do not agree on “traditional” foods that almost every country in the world has. Actually, the famous dishes in Australia food are British cultures food because in history Australia was once a penal colony of the British Empire. Among those foods are meat pies, lamington biscuits perfect with Vegemite, a type of malted paste, and roast meat.

Continuing with our cultures food tour in Nicaragua, Guatemala and some other Central American countries you can find regional specialties which are found often in meals. Some of them are known  as “Chancho Con Yuca.” This is made up of boiled Yuca with marinade of cabbage, fried pork, chilli, tomato and onions.

Of course, there are still a lot to cover especially when you talk about the different cultures food around the world and this article is not even the quarter of it. Still, wherever you are and what taste you may have in different foods always remember to have fun eating.

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