Thursday, November 24, 2011

Differences in Cultures

Society is a group of people. Culture consists beliefs, behaviors, objects and other characteristics which are common to the members of a particular group, also known as society. Those within a society who are of one culture will share the same language, customs, values, religious beliefs, and follow a set of norms, as in behavior, based on societal beliefs or culture. Not every society is comprised of one culture. There are also subcultures within various societies. Subcultures are a group or group who do not follow the norms of their cultural society as a whole, such as those found in the Hippie movement of the 60's.

Although the basic elements of cultures are the same, they will differ among the various cultures. The basic elements consist of language, customs, values, norms which are regarding to behavior, religion, politics, traditions, just to name a few. The cultural elements for Chinese and Japanese cultures will differ. For instance not only are the languages different, but so are work ethics, as in the strive for perfection. Although China is no longer behind economically, the Japanese have always strived to be the best, and to produce the best of quality in products. .

There are many differences in the cultures of those in the East as compared to those in the West. Although there are other religions, in the East, the primary religions are Hinduism, and Buddhism. Christianity is the primary religion in the West. In Christianity, there is more than one denominations. These religious denominations may be similar in their basic beliefs, yet are different in how they teach the doctrines and practice their beliefs. For instance, within Christianity, there are those who do not practice the typical Christian holidays, while others do. In the East, the same society which has the same culture, yet differ by the way of religion. Portions of one society may be Buddhist, while others are Hindus. Other cultural difference may occur within one society due to religion because of differences in religious beliefs, such as the customs of proper dress for men and women, family life, as well as the daily diet. Another cultural difference is centered around one topic that none of us can deny, which is death. Although we will all die, the beliefs as to what happens to each of us after death differs among the various religious cultures.

There are cultural differences between nations in regards to the basic elements of etiquette, gestures, facial expressions during conversations, as well as dress. In Russia, women often walk arm in arm with their female friends. However, in the U.S., it is men and women who are expected to walk arm in arm. In Chili, women will greet other men as well as women with a kiss on the cheek. In some cultures, a person who is approaching others is greeted. However, in Mexico, as one strolls along and approaches a group, it is he or she who initiates the greetings. In the West, a hand gesture where the movement is much like tossing salt over the shoulder, which means "come here" is acceptable. Yet, in India, the "salt over the shoulder" motion is considered to be rude. In India, the hand motion, which resembles a dog paddle motion, is considered to be the polite way of motioning another person to "come here."

Another set of cultural differences worldwide is that of an activity which we all enjoy, and that is dining. Often, others are invited to enjoy the dining experience with us. However, the responses to invitations vary. Westerners may respond to an invitation that they have to check their calendar, or that they are busy that evening. However, in China, it is considered to be polite and proper to be more specific as to the reason for declining an invitation. The Chinese believe that it is not polite to decline without a detailed explanation because it is impolite to make the inviter feel as though their invitation is not of any importance. In other words, the Chinese may respond with, I am sorry, but I have a dinner that has already been planned with family whom I have not seen for a very long time.

There are different cultures among all of society, including that of the US. It is more than difference between the East and the West. There are cultural differences between the US and Europe, as well among the various European countries themselves. In most homes, the wearing of shoes inside the house is acceptable. In other cultures, whether it be due to religious beliefs, or among nationalities, such as Korea, China, and Japan, the removal of shoes when entering a home, but how and where they are removed and stored also varies. The learning of different cultures is not only interesting, but it could also be a wise thing for travelers to do. Gestures, and other behaviors which are acceptable in one society, may be interpreted as rude or an act of aggression in another.

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