Thursday, November 24, 2011


In this article we are going to discuss how the African religion evolved and how it was slowly transformed into Christianity.

The Ogun
This is one of the gods of African religions.This name originated and began in an ethnic tribe which can be found in West Africa. Ogun is the god of iron and also one of the gods that the African tribes worship. However, they recognize that there is an omnipotent God, but it is believed that the easiest way to reach God is through the lower deities like Ogun, which acts as an intermediary between God and man.

In African religions the priest of Ogun is also known as the native doctor. He is the mediator of the individual and the gods. The priest is a sanctuary, where he asks the gods for them, people who come to him in the form of a spiritual problem, and society in general. He cannot rely on any spirit of hatred offender Ogun has taken him.

Ogun Shrine
The material is generally composed of pieces of iron which they even collect in from trash. In most cases, a bronze iron is used and is then designed  and sculpted to human form which  is made in the alter. The priest has the only authority to erect the altar which is usually made with some rituals. The iron has no power in itself, but the spirit that animates these sculpted irons is the real Ogun. The priest must make a sacrifice to appeal Ogun by slaughtering animals like goats, chickens and dogs. The blood of these animals is then poured onto the altar. After this the priest will then consult an Oracle to find out if the sacrificed animal has been accepted by Ogun.

Birth of Christianity
This is the most popular and dominant religion and one that has greatly affected African religions and still being spread till today. About eighty percent of the idol worshipers gave their lives to Christ. We tested the two powers and found that no other power than the power of Almighty God through His only Son Jesus Christ. All the gods bowed to the power and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, at any point is the name of Jesus. Whenever there is Christian praise and worships to the one and real God in the community you can really see how amazing it is that once pagans that have many idols has turned to the one true God. Many of these tribes have given their lives to Jesus after seeing their deities bent to a little boy Christian who believes in our Lord Jesus Christ.

As you can see, African religions are turning back to the one true God and our savior, Jesus Christ. In time, for sure, the good news will be known by all of the tribes in Africa.

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