Thursday, November 24, 2011


African cultures are great topics to discuss with for this country has a vast array of cultures and religions in which they are reflected in both tradition and ceremonies that that the people engage and the people do.

One of the most vital parts in our study of African cultures is the wedding ceremony. This event not only encompasses religion but also the people spirituality. Furthermore, in weddings you can also see how strong the bond of their family and even the entire community.

Basically, in an African wedding, this symbolizes the gathering of both the families and the tribes of both the bride and groom. In fact, almost each family has its own tribe and, furthermore, there are upon thousands of tribes with distinct traditions and cultures living in Africa. Each of these tribes has their own method of celebrating a wedding ceremony and the best part is they can trace and tell you the origin of why they do it that way for hundreds and thousands of years.

Pre-arrange marriages are also rampant in the African culture. To add, it not even a surprise to hear in Africa that a girl, even before she is even born, is already engaged to someone.

Although their wedding may vary in the way they celebrate it. One most common thing that you can find in almost every tribe in Africa is that it is legal for them to have more than one wife. Of course, there are still, let us say, rules before one man can have another wife. He must be able to pay a so called “fee” to the bride’s family which can be in the form of livestock. Basically, if you are not rich in their terms, you cannot have more than one wife.

Music and Dance
Another vital part of the African Cultures is the music and dance. Actually, the African people started singing, playing and dancing even before they have learned to read and write, in which both reading and writing were influenced by foreign visitors such as Missionaries that visit their place.

Of course, the African culturesare really quite vast and it would take a very long time to fully understand them. Still, for sure, after reading this article you have learned a glimpse of Africa’scultures and traditions.

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